Who can help?

It takes a village to raise a child. We are not meant to do it alone and you don’t need to. We all need a village and you deserve to find the right fit and support for your family.

Whether you’re looking for clinical treatment or other types of support, we’ve selected a set of organizations and support groups across Massachusetts who we trust to help your family.


Find a family support group near you.

Good for caregivers who want to talk with other parents who have been through a similar experience.

Caring for a child with mental health challenges can be stressful and isolating. Family Support Programs offer guidance, educational resources, and support to parents of children and adolescents with social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs. Led by parents, caregivers, and guardians of children/adolescents and young adults that have firsthand experience navigating service systems, they are professionally trained to help you find what you need.

Caring for a child with mental health challenges can be stressful and isolating. The Family Support programs offer guidance, educational resources, and support to parents of children and adolescents with social, emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs.

Led by parents, caregivers, and guardians of children/adolescents and young adults that have firsthand experience navigating service systems, they are professionally trained to help you find what you need.

Where can I find a support group?

The Department of Mental Health funds Family Support Programs in each of its five areas across the state. This service is open to any parent who is caring for a child with mental health needs.  

How much do they cost?

The support groups are free.
