What Can I Do?

We’ve collected a treasure chest of tips, tools and ideas that have worked for other families and that you can learn about or try at home today. We’ve picked these because we think they are truly effective ways to help you and your child build positive behaviors and emotional well-being.


Read a book to get kids talking about mental health

This animated film and graphic novel for elementary and middle school-aged children, shows how an honest conversation about “different kinds of hurting” between two classmates can have a life long effect.


Different Kinds of Hurt: Isaac’s Story, is an animated film and graphic novel for elementary and middle school-aged children. Isaac and Mia have been out of school for a while— Mia’s fall sent her to the E.R. and she has a cast and crutches, but Isaac looks fine. He explains that he was in a “different kind of hospital,” one that helps when thoughts and feelings are hurting. As they compare notes about how they knew they needed help, what the hospital and doctors were like, and their fears and hopes for the future, they realize that physical and mental health aren’t all that different; both require sharing your feelings to help the healing.


Different Kinds of Hurt: Isaac's Story

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health